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What are Facebook Groups Creation to Use

Facebook Groups

Written on Social Media by Noelia Regalado Pino 1 Comment  10 minutes of reading

It is likely that, within your social media strategy, you still do not know the importance of Facebook groups and the benefits of being part of them. However, this could be one of the places where you can find your target audience within this social network.

In other previous articles, I have explained to you what Facebook exactly is and the advantages of using it within your social media plan. Therefore, today I want to tell you what Facebook groups consist of, how useful they can be if you have a business with an Internet presence and how you can create one, as well as its various options.

What are Facebook groups?

A Facebook group, just like in real life, is a space within this social network made up of a limited group of people who are united by a common interest or topic.

Therefore, when we talk about one of them on this social network, we are referring to one made up of users who coincide on the platform sharing this interest, hobby or, for example, a work community.

Anyone can create or be part of one, their only limitation is not to exceed the limit of belonging to more than 6,000 per personal profile.

Here is an example of how we would see them from our profile:

What exactly are Facebook groups for?

These are used for various purposes, there are communities for buying and selling second-hand items, for students, for professionals in a sector, to meet new people, etc.

The most notable purpose of these is to be able to reach more users with our publications, given the reduction in reach that we now have with our Fan Pages.

To do this, we can use the advantage of sharing the content we publish in various related thematic Facebook groups, whether or not we are Community Managers.

Thus, in this way, we will not only obtain a greater reach, but we will increase our possibilities of Networking.

How can I create a Facebook group myself?

Opening our own is very simple and we just have to follow the following steps:

1. Enter our profile

If we access our profile, we can find a symbol in the shape of an arrow or “little triangle” in the upper right corner.

When you click, a drop-down menu will open with various options. Among them will be “Create group”.

We will click, and a window like this will appear:

2. Choose the name of the Facebook group

Now we must choose the name of ours and, to do this, you must keep in mind that it is important that the name defines the intention of the community, or briefly explains what it consists of or what topics are going to be covered.

3. Add users

You can also automatically add some members manually, indicating their username on the platform.

It is advisable to start by adding friends and/or family with those interests in common so that you do not include anyone who you do not yet know and who may be upset by being seen included in one of them without prior notice from you.

4. Add privacy options

Below we find its privacy options, since this can be:

  • Closed.
  • Public.
  • Secret.

Later I will tell you what each one consists of. If you want, you can set it to shortcuts, so it will be easier for you to locate it in your profile followers.

What roles exist in Facebook groups?

Within them, we can assign a total of 3 different types of roles to users:

» Administrator:

The administrator has the option to modify each community option, or component or add and remove administrators or moderators.

» Moderator:

This obtains the same benefits as the administrator, with the only exception that he cannot change the settings of the social community, or delete or modify administrators.

» Member:

The member is any other type of user, who can share content, comment and actively participate in it.

What types of Facebook groups exist?

Likewise, taking into account that we already know more closely what the existing groups and roles are, we will see the types that we have at our disposal:

• Public:

These, as their name indicates, are public communities, in which any user can join without the need for an administrator to permit them to access.

• Closed:

These, although they are visible like the public ones, require authorization from an administrator to be part of them.

• Secrets:

As their name suggests, they are secret communities, they do not appear in searches and you can only access these groups if you are invited by a member and authorized by the administrator.

What are the advantages of using groups on Facebook?

As we mentioned previously, the use of this functionality that this social network does not provide can help us generate more interaction with our content tanzohub.

1. Share the content of our blog

If we have a blog, an online store or a web portal, we can always keep the community informed by disseminating our content through the communities.

Eye! It is not necessary to go overboard with spam, so the ideal is to actively participate in them and not focus only on sharing the content of our interest.

This can cause problems, and we can even be expelled  by “Spammer.”

2. Make known our new project

When we launch a new product or promotion, we can spread it to those that we consider relevant, as this can help us bring traffic to our website.

In addition, we will be making it known to our target audience since it will not be too well known yet.

3. Solve user doubts

A consequence derived from the first is that if we share, for example, our latest tutorial on social media tools, we will be teaching other “novice” users how to use them.

You must know that many of the members of these Facebook groups are people who have just started and are looking for precisely that: to learn from others who have greater knowledge and experience.

Can I share content in groups with my company page?

At the moment, Facebook only allows us to share content in groups through our profile and not with our Fan Page (unless that page is linked to it by an administrator, who in turn manages it).

That is why having a professionally oriented personal profile can help us when we want to share content from the Fan Page that we manage.

How can I share content in a group?

To share the content of our page on them, we must mainly belong to it.

Once we are members, we will look for a publication from our Fan Page and we will give the option to share :

Once we have clicked on the “ Share… ” option, a box will appear where we must choose the “ Share in a group” option.

In this way, our profile will share the information in one of those to which we belong.

In this way, we must choose the one we want to share, write their name in the search bar and then click on “Publish.”

10 Examples of Digital Marketing and Online Business groups where you can find quality content

And finally, I will recommend 10 of the best about Digital Marketing and the Online world where I am a member.

In this way, if you were not yet included in any of them and you have this same hobby or you dedicate yourself to it professionally, you can actively learn:


This group has been created by Webescuela and José Facchin.

It is a public learning group, where more than 1,600 members of the Digital Marketing sector meet to share their knowledge, answer questions, share content of interest or network.

2- SEO, Marketing & Online Business

Another public group was created by David Ayala, through his Website, which has more than 500 members, where the main topic is SEO, Digital Marketing and Digital Business.

You can share your content and that of others that you may find interesting, answer questions and comment on other members’ posts.

3- Community Manager and Social Media Barcelona

Another public one with almost 200 members is oriented towards the topic of Social Media and Community Management.

It shares content and information about the sector and job offers in Barcelona.

Here, in addition to helping to increase our learning, it is a good tool for networking with those who are from the city of Barcelona.

4- Influencer Marketing Accelerator

This is public and is aimed at being able to share your content, share good practices and ask questions about any digital marketing topic.

It consists of more than 1900 members and many of them are very active daily.

5- Clear SEO (ES)

Another one that is public for Spanish-speaking SEO lovers, has more than 500 members, and questions about web positioning, SEO, SEM, content and even job offers are resolved.

It is very active, where doubts are resolved almost instantly by great experts on the subject.

6- Tricks of a Community Manager

This group has more than 1,500 members, it is public, and it discusses topics related to social media and tricks for community managers.

Although if someone has questions about any other digital marketing topic, such as SEO or content, it is resolved in the same way, it consists of great professionals in the sector.

7- Community Managers Latin America

It contains more than 18,000 members, it is focused on sharing content and knowledge with Latin America about digital marketing, social networks, SEO Positioning or any topic related to digital business.

Within this community, you will find well-known figures in this sector who will always be willing to help answer questions and share their knowledge.

Here you can also find and offer employment.

8- Active Networking

More than 7,000 members of the Digital Marketing sector and its different areas meet in a group to generate networking. In addition to being a community made up of great professionals, you have the opportunity to answer questions related to the sector and they have local work content for cities such as Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Seville, Bilbao, Málaga and Zaragoza.

9- Social Media in Spanish

It is “closed” and has more than 15,000 members, which is suitable for social media professionals.

Its main function is to share its content or that of others to expand the knowledge and information of the rest of the community.

10- SEO (Web Positioning)

Another one is on the SEO topic, where web positioning is the main topic of conversation.

It is a public group with more than 850 members, where the common interest is to share information of interest for free about organic positioning in search engines.


In summary, being in various Facebook groups can provide us with a benefit in terms of being up to date with the latest news in our sector, being able to provide solutions to those who need it, and disseminating our content easily and quickly. This will help you gain greater visibility on the Internet with your blog or online project.

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