Friday , 17 May 2024
Home Health 6 Natural Remedies For Lowering Diastolic Blood Pressure 

6 Natural Remedies For Lowering Diastolic Blood Pressure 

Diastolic Blood

The pressure that your blood exerts on your artery walls during the period between heartbeats is known as diastolic blood pressure, which is the lowest figure in a blood pressure reading.  

Although diastolic and systolic blood pressure measurements are significant for cardiovascular health, long-term diastolic hypertension—a persistently high diastolic blood pressure—means worry. It may make you more susceptible to renal issues, heart disease, and stroke. 

The good news? Diastolic blood pressure can be controlled without the use of medication alone.  

Adding natural treatments into your lifestyle can considerably reduce your diastolic reading and enhance your general health, in addition to talking to your doctor and according to their recommended course of action.  

Here are six powerful natural approaches to consider: 

1. Follow a Heart-Healthy Diet 

Real food pyramid assortment still life

If you’re wondering how to lower diastolic blood pressure a diet involving all the essential nutrients can be the first solution.  

Among such diets, the DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension), which centers on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins, is very effective. Adopting a DASH diet can improve diastolic blood pressure and general well-being, thus improving cardiovascular health. 

Moreover, consuming high-potassium foods such as bananas and avocados can help the blood vessels relax and diminish pressure, thus helping lower BP.  

2. Do Regular Exercise 

As part of a lifelong regimen, regular exercise is essential for reducing diastolic blood pressure.  

By practicing aerobic exercises, such as brisk walking and swimming, you will be able to develop a strong heart, reduce the chances of a heart attack, and consequently improve blood circulation.  

Additionally, such exercise helps control weight and ease the burden on the cardiovascular system tanzohub.  

Through regular physical activity, people can effectively lower their diastolic blood pressure and improve their overall cardiovascular health, in result reducing risk of complications related to hypertension. 

3. Practice Stress Management 

Managing diastolic blood pressure requires the use of stress reduction strategies such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga, and tai chi. 

Adopting the techniques mentioned above can decrease cortisol level, relieve tension, and consequently improve the strength of the cardiovascular system. Furthermore, this improvement strengthens the emotional health of a person as you would be able to withstand the stressors. 

4. Limit Alcohol Consumption 

Restricting alcohol consumption should be emphasized as a means of maintaining diastolic blood pressure. Too much alcohol in one body raises the blood pressure and the risk of acquiring hypertension.  

Reducing alcohol intake to one drink per day or less for women and two drinks per day or less for men is the way to minimize or even eliminate the risks mentioned above.  

Additionally, moderate consumption of alcohol promotes general cardiovascular health and helps lower blood pressure. This conscientious consideration of drinking is one of the approaches for preventing a high level of diastolic blood pressure and the risk of hypertension-related complications. 

5. Increase Magnesium Intake 

Raising magnesium consumption can reduce diastolic blood pressure. Magnesium is a mineral that is of great therapeutic value as it helps maintain normal blood pressure and execute muscle function.  

The diet should include foods high in magnesium, such as lentils, whole grains, seeds, and nuts, as well as leafy green vegetables.  

Furthermore, attending to your magnesium intake level by seeking a health professional’s advice is equally important.  

Adequate magnesium intake, alongside others, is one of the best solutions for a healthy heart and arteries system. It also has a tremendous positive impact on blood pressure regulating. 

6. Get Sufficient Sleep 

Enough sleep is fundamental for managing diastolic pressure. Therefore, make an effort to keep a sleep period of seven to nine hours per night to make that heart of yours more resilient.  

You may enhance the quality of your sleep by making your sleeping environment more comfortable, establishing a regular sleep pattern, and developing a calming nighttime ritual. Getting enough sleep helps the body control blood pressure better and lowers the risk of effects from hypertension.  

In addition, making good sleep hygiene a priority helps to reduce diastolic blood pressure and improve cardiovascular health in general. 


The chances of cardiovascular disease can be reduced, and general health can be improved by lowering diastolic blood pressure. It is one of the critical factors in preventing a disease, such as a heart attack.  

These natural remedies in your everyday lifestyle, for instance, from consuming a healthy diet to getting sufficient sleep, can lead to better control of your blood pressure.  

Yet, it’s prudent to seek advice from a health care professional or doctor before embarking on any significant diet, exercise, or supplement regimen if you are suffering from any health conditions or medication.  

By practicing a healthy lifestyle that puts the focus on everything relating to blood pressure, you can manage your cardiovascular health and improve the way you live. 

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